
顏色: 黑
材質: 萊卡+針織鬆緊布
尺碼: M~70-75mm L~75-80mm XL~80-85mm 2XL~90mm以上 (C-cup以上須要攞大一碼)

(10件起批 有興趣可email : sales@les-studio.com)

此魔貼加強款晤單只係可以調整寬度,它彈性特強!!!大波妹都可以變飛機場 !!!係目前束得最平架!!! 達到最好束胸效果!!! 夏天穿也不會熱 包你滿意!!! 束胸原理: 此款在胸部的一周內部為有超強彈力的針織鬆緊布。 在鬆緊布的側面為魔貼, 好處係可以調整寬度!!!

穿法: 先將左邊的魔貼撕開,先套入右手接著套入頭,再用左手拉著後面的粘貼片,右手拉著前面的粘貼片,將魔貼對齊貼合。棉質黑色束胸背心 彈性特強 吸汗清爽

Velco Breast Binders 0129 (New)

About Breast Binders

  • The invention of breast binders came from the practical needs of women who desire not to highlight their large breasts. Many have tried ways to moderate their breast sizes, however, incorrect methods might do harm to the body.

  • In view of these concerns, Les-studio has developed a series of breast binders that can achieve the aim of creating a flat-chest appearance in a much healthier and more comfortable way.

  • Les-studio breast binders assist a handsome look with all styles of outfits and help with confidence building. Many sisters in the other camp have already chosen our products as sports bras when they do exercises.

Make In Korea

To determine your correct Binder size, you will need a measuring tape, preferably in inches. Then follow the instructions below.

1. Measure your Breast size.
2. Measure your Frame size.
3. Choose your Binder size

Your breast size is the measurement around the chest over and including the fullest part of your bust (usually at the level of the nipples).

Your frame size is the diameter around your chest just below your breasts. Using the tape measure, measure around your ribcage directly under your breasts. There should be no breast tissue measured while determining your frame size.

To determine your binder size, add 5 to your frame size. For example, if your frame size is 28 inches, add 5 to it and you get 33 inches. Match that to the size chart below.

However, if your breast size is 7 inch more than your frame size OR if your cup size is C and above, we recommend you get one size bigger.

Match you measurement against the chart for your binder size.

Binder size
30” – 33” Medium
34” – 37” Large
38” – 41” X-Large
40” – 42”up XX-Large
To order, simply email the product code and quantity you desire to sales@les-studio.com . We welcome both personal and bulk orders.